Personal one on one instruction 
Lifetime of benefits 
Ongoing support and follow up 
One-time payment
•Adults - CHF 1800.-
(up to CHF 600.- reduction depending on economic and social situation)
•Special Offer for Couples and families with only one salary - CHF 2700.-
Parent/s & dependent children under 18
• Students/apprentices up to 28 - CHF 800.-
• Children between 10 and 16 - CHF 600.-
• Children up to 10 - CHF 400.-
Payment by monthly installments is available on request
One-time payments are due before personal instruction
Tailored, group and corporate courses
We can also provide private instruction, groups, in-house courses for business and educational institutions. Please contact us for details.
Our goal is to make the TM technique available to everyone. Each local TM Centre offers payment plans, as well as partial grants for those facing financial hardship. For more information, contact your local TM teacher.
Charitable activities
The Transcendental Meditation technique is available in Switzerland through I.M.S. — International Meditation Society. All revenues from course fees go entirely to support the organisations' educational and charitable initiatives.
Helping those in need
I.M.S. — International Meditation Society – Switzerland in collaboration with the David Lynch Foundation help support TM programs for at-risk youth, homeless, prisoners and others in need. For more information see: David Lynch Foundation
Better stress management, more confidence and increased productivity.
Freddy Leguizamon, insurance broker, Geneva
Take the first step
Online or on location introductory talk in small groups of a few people,
in compliance with health regulations.
Main points of the info session